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Category description – Bitcoin was invented by a pseudonymous individual or group named Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 and is the world’s first enduring cryptocurrency that succeeded where decades of digital cash experiments failed.
Illustration of a hand pressing "SELL" on a smartphone; coins and dollar bills emerge, symbolizing digital crypto transactions like buying Bitcoin on Coinmama.
Steven Hay

How to Sell Bitcoin for Cash

Reading Time: 8 minutes The Bitcoin white paper is entitled “Bitcoin: a Peer to Peer Electronic Cash System.” Satoshi always had good reasons for his decisions, and this title is no

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A graphic depicting purchasing Bitcoin via Coinmama with a smartphone and cash, set against light blue.
Steven Hay

How to Sell Bitcoin

Reading Time: 8 minutes “Bitcoin sounds cool but can I sell it whenever I want?” This is a surprisingly common question from newcomers to the crypto space. Perhaps it

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A flat Bitcoin symbol on a German flag background; black, red, yellow stripes. Buy Bitcoin on Coinmama.
Steven Hay

Bitcoin in Germany

Reading Time: 5 minutes Germany is one of the few developed nations to have experienced hyperinflation during the last century. The Weimar period is often studied as one of the most

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A Canadian flag piggy bank with a gold "BITCOINS" coin implies future crypto investment. Buy Bitcoin now with Coinmama.
Nimrod Gruber

Bitcoin in Canada

Reading Time: 3 minutes If you’ve watched or read the news recently, you’ve probably heard of Bitcoin. It’s the first cryptocurrency and is the inspiration for the thousands of

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